Chi Fb Collage 2022


Our Fall/Winter 2022 News

A hot meal. Warm socks. A kind word. These might seem like small things…until you don’t have them, and then they are huge.

As the weather turns and the holidays are upon us, it’s a good time to ask what we each can do to help people for whom having “small things” is a daily struggle. And in Chicago, like other cities across the country, more and more people are facing that struggle.

What difference can any one person make? Well, in the lives of people who struggle to have even the “small things,” the answer is: The difference you can make is HUGE. It’s simple: Give what you can. When you can. This holiday season, and beyond. Because people experiencing homelessness and food insecurity aren’t just seasonal, and neither should giving back be.

Please take a few minutes to read our Fall/Winter 2022 newsletter [link below to the pdf] to learn ways you can support CHI’s mission and our programs during the holidays and in the new year.

Chi Newsletter Fall Winter 2022

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Did you know?

30% of Chicago’s homeless population suffers from mental illness.

A lot of people don’t have shelter, food, clothing. They need help. And they get it here.”
