Wednesday Dinners
Each Wednesday we provide a hot, nutritious, full-course meal to as many as 200 guests in the dining room of Catholic Charities, located at 721 N. LaSalle Street in Chicago. The meals are donated by our partner restaurants, hotels, businesses, board members and residents of the community who want to make a difference in the lives of Chicagoans who are in need and experiencing homelessness. The weekly meals are served in a warm, welcoming and dignified atmosphere by a host of dedicated volunteers, who assure a positive experience for our guests.
Our sit-down meals are always at capacity, and so we also provide an additional 70 takeaway meals for those who cannot join us in the diningroom.
At a typical CHI meal, we also feature a guest speaker from a local service organization who provides information about matters of interest to our clients. Recent speakers have included representatives from The Safer Foundation, Lincoln Park Community Shelter, Streetwise and FeatherFist, among others.
Guests also have access to health checks and social services with volunteers from various community agencies we partner with.
We celebrate guests’ birthdays with a birthday card and gift certificate and sing Happy Birthday to let them know someone cares. Help us celebrate our guests’ birthdays by making a donation.
We rely on volunteers to help serve our guests. If you would like to volunteer with CHI, please email us.