Job Resources3

Job and Training Resources

Email us if you would like to schedule a time to talk with a volunteer who can guide you through the below resources.

Support and Training

Illinois WorkNet CALENDAR Stay up-to-date on local job training and job fairs

National Able Network: JOB SEEKER SERVICES Career Connections, Training, and Coaching

Inspiration Kitchen Click to enroll in training

Workforce Programs in Chicago List of programs and agency contact information

Job Search Websites:

Metro Chicago Jobs

Illinois Job Link

Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership (job search and training resource)

Resume Help:

Novo Resume and Cover Letter Guide Downloadable templates

Zety Resume Guide Including steps for people without any experience Resume Guide and Video How to write a stand-out resume Resume help and company reviews

Interview Clothes:

The Safer Foundation Provides free clothes for employment and interviews ph.312.922.2200

Cornerstone Outreach Free clothing store located at 4628 North Clifton Avenue ph.773.271.8163

Computer Resources:

General resources for job seekers and Chicago Public Library

Free career training and re-entry resources


Do You Need:

Legal help with housing? Click Here

Help locating food? Click Here

Finding a job? Click Here

Help with bankruptcy:

Help applying for food stamps?

Did you know?

30% of Chicago’s homeless population suffers from mental illness.

They help us with food, social services. Nothing but love, that’s how I feel about the Chicago Help Initiative.”
