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Special Screening of the Award-Winning Documentary “I HAVE A NAME” by Lucia Mauro

RESERVE YOUR TICKETS for the online screening of the award-winning documentary “I HAVE A NAME” by Lucia Mauro. The film gives voice to individuals experiencing homelessness and presents CHI’s all-encompassing programs that nourish the whole person.

Online Premiere of I Have a Name Reserve tickets here:

Hosted by In My Brother’s Shoes, Inc.

Join us for the IMBS virtual premiere of Lucia Mauro’s documentary, I Have a Name, co-produced by Jacqueline C. Hayes – founder and president emerita of The Chicago HELP Initiative (CHI) – and In My Brother’s Shoes, Inc.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

7 p.m. (CST)

Tickets: $25 (portion of ticket sales benefits CHI’s meal programs)

Post-show discussion with Lucia Mauro, members of the creative team & individuals featured in the documentary

I Have a Name puts a face on homelessness through the sensitive work of The Chicago HELP Initiative and its partners, who empower those in need through access to meals, health services, shelter, adult education, job training and the arts. Those who have experienced job loss, homelessness and other challenges tell their compelling stories. The documentary also takes a wider look at the many factors contributing to homelessness for individuals from all walks of life. And it addresses how CHI is adapting to a world changed by Covid-19.

"I Have a Name" (trailer)

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Did you know?

Over 85% of the people we serve are unemployed.

Nobody should go hungry. With the Chicago Help Initiative, you don’t have to.”
